BCG for babies-What do you think?

After a recent visit from the Health Visitor she has advised me to take Littleman to get his BCG vaccination. I am a bit worried, as they used to give the BCG vaccination in school when you was 13-14. I haven’t have a BCG as they said I didn’t need it. So why does Littleman?

Parents are advise/recommentend to give their babies a BCG if they are born in areas where TB rate is high or if parents/family members who were were born in countries with an high incidence of TB.

I want to protect Littleman for Tb but what about if he gets a serious side effect. In some cases babies can get a TB-like infection, its rate like 1 in 200,000 but can be fatal. This is common in babies with impaired immune systems and skin reactions can also occur.

I don’t know what to do? What do you think? Comment below wheather you have got done for your baby or not!

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